General purpose:
The current course is full and I'll be offering it again at some point. You can sign up for email announcements on the Contact page, or email me if you have any questions: modestlymindful@gmail.com.
Thanks for your interest in this!
[I don't have any courses for the public scheduled right now. You can sign up for notifications about upcoming courses, or feel free to contact me if you have questions or are from an organization interested in this.]
[This course is full and registration is closed. You can sign up for notifications about upcoming courses, or feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you are part of an organization interested in this.]
My MSC 6-week
I'll be offering this free online course beginning Saturday, September 28 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here). Each session is an hour, and I'll stay 15 minutes after for additional discussion. Please note that due to my variable schedule I may need to push some sessions back by a week. For more info and to register, read on!
I will be doing a free online version of the 6-week Mindful Self-Compassion course starting Saturday, September 28 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here). Check out the link for more info and to register.
Imagine MSC 6 week
I will be offering the 6-week version of the Mindful Self-Compassion course for the good folks at Imagine Mindfulness, a non-profit dedicated to making these practices accessible to people around the world. You can find more info here.
This course will begin on Saturday, June 22 at 11 am Eastern (Time Zone Converter here). Each session will last an hour, with an additional 15 minutes for questions if people want to stay later. Read on for more details. Please note there is a $50 registration fee; all proceeds go to Imagine, a non-profit that is trying to make these practices accessible to people around the world. If you want to register, you need to go to their site or use the button below.
For paragraph at end about registering:
The fee for the course is $50 US. To register, please go to the course webpage at the Imagine Mindfulness website or use the button below---you will be redirected to their site since they are handling the registrations.
Please note that this course is full and registration is closed. You can sign up for email notifications about upcoming courses at Imagine--we hope to have new offerings soon!
Imagine MSC 8-week
We will be offering this course through the good folks at Imagine--a non-profit dedicated to making these practices accessible to all. This course will start at noon Eastern US on Wednesday, September 11. There is a $50 registration fee, and all proceeds go to Imagnine Mindfulness. You will need to register at this page on their site or use the button below. For more info about the course, read on!
I will be co-teaching the full 8-week MSC course with Ela Compton for Imagine beginning Wednesday, September 11 at noon Eastern. More info here.
SC for Holidays:
I will be offering an online workshop on Self-Compassion for the Holidays on Saturday, December 7 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here). For more info, check out the webpage.
​This year’s online Self-Compassion for the Holidays class will be on Saturday, December 7 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here). Please note that at times my life is unpredictable, so I may need to change the date and I’ll keep you informed if that happens. I appreciate your forbearance around that. To register, click here. For details, read on!
This class is full, but there will be another one next year! You can sign up for notifications about upcoming courses, or feel free to contact me if you have questions. In the meantime, may you have a meaningful and fulfilling holiday season.
Fierce SC 3-week
I will be offering a 3-session workshop on Introduction to Fierce Self-Compassion starting on Tuesday, January 14 at noon Eastern US. (Time zone converter here.) Here is the webpage for more details.
I will be offering a free 3-session workshop on Fierce Self-Compassion; the weekly sessions will begin on Tuesday, January 14 at noon Eastern US. (Time zone converter here.) Each session will be about 2 hours. For more info and to register, read on!
SC for caregivers w Sondra
My co-teacher, Sondra Gudmundson, and I will be offering a 6-week course on Self-Compassion for Caregivers. Each session lasts an hour, although we'll stay after for questions. The course begins on Sunday, January 28 at 4:30 pm Eastern, and you can get more info here.
I will be doing this course for the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion (CMSC) starting on Tuesday, September 19 at 4:30 - 5:30 PM Eastern. That course is offered through CMSC, so you need to register at their site. They do have a fee for their courses; if that is an issue you will need to contact them. I teach for them as a volunteer, so all proceeds go to CMSC.
SCHC by me:
My next course will start on Sunday, July 23 at 1 pm Eastern. Each session will be an hour, although I'll stay an additional 15 minutes if there are questions. This course is freely offered so that anyone can attend---especially those in training! (Donations are welcome, however, if you find it useful.) To register, you can view the waiver and sign up here or use the button below. For testimonials, check out this page on offerings for organizations. Read on for more info...
MSC 8-week w Sondra, including after orientation for Offerings page:
We do not have any courses enrolling currently, but you can sign up for my email list to get updates, or contact me directly at modestlymindful@gmail.com. If you represent an organization interested in MSC, please email me because we can do programs most anytime during the year to meet your needs.
My co-teacher Sondra Gudmundson and I will be offering a free online introduction to self-compassion on Monday, March 18 at 6 pm Eastern. For more info and to register, click here. We will also be offering the full 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion course online starting Monday, April 1 at 6 pm Eastern; more info on that can be found here.
My co-teacher Sondra Gudmundson and I will be offering the full 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion course online starting Tuesday, February 7 at 6 pm Eastern; more info on that can be found here.
Our next course will start on Monday, April 1 at 6 pm Eastern, and will continue weekly for 8 weeks; each class is 2.75 hours, delivered via Zoom. There is a bonus 3-hour retreat midway through the course. To register, you can click here or use the button at the bottom of the course description. We will also be offering a free 1-hour introduction to self-compassion that serves as an orientation for the full course. That will be on Monday, March 25 at 6 pm Eastern; you can learn more and register for that session here.
For orientation page (links to 1-hour registration page):
The next class will be on Monday, April 1 at 6 pm Eastern. To register for the session, click here or use the button at the bottom of the description.
90 min M for busy people:
​I'll be offering a free 90-minute online "Mindfulness for Busy People" session on Sunday, August 25 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here​). The class is about reframing mindfulness to help you fit it into your life in ways that work for you. For more info and to register, check out the webpage.
I'll be offering this session on Sunday, August 25 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here). For more info and to register, read on!
Working with Limiting Beliefs
I’ll be offering a free online 2-hour workshop on Working with Limiting Beliefs on Saturday, September 14 at noon Eastern US (time zone converter here). Previous experience with mindfulness and meditation is helpful, but not required. If you want to register, you can go here to accept the waiver and sign up, or use the button below. For more info on the workshop, read on!
I'll be doing a free 90-minute session on gratitude on Sunday, July 9 at 1 pm Eastern. For more info check out the webpage here.
I will be offering this session on Sunday, July 21 at noon Eastern. (Time zone converter here.) To register you can read the waiver and sign up here, or use the button below. For more info, read on!
There has been overwhelming interest in the gratitude session for July, so registration is now closed. I'll be offering more in the future, so you can sign up for my email list to be notified.
Although practicing mindfulness meditation offers many benefits, there are situations where it can be problematic. This includes a history of unprocessed trauma or uncontrolled psychiatric disease (depression, anxiety, suicidality), as well as uncontrolled pain. Other potential contraindications include recent highly stressful events (death of a loved one, new onset severe illness), and it can also be difficult to do meditation if one is very early in recovery from substance abuse. If you have any concerns, please check with your physician and/or mental health provider.
​I will be offering the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course starting at 1 pm Eastern time on Monday, August 22. (No class on Labor Day, Monday, September 5.) There will be a free 1-hour Introduction to Mindfulness class at 1pm Eastern on Monday, August 8 that also serves as an orientation for this course. There is a $75 fee for this course, and all proceeds will be donated to Insight Meditation Fort Wayne. Scholarships are available, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Contact me if this is an issue. To register, click here or use the button below the course description at the bottom of the page. Details about the class follow.
Sondra Gudmundson, MS, RD, LD

Sondra is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher through the University of California at San Diego Medical School’s Centers for Integrative Health, Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute. She inclines to help self & others meet difficulties in life with love and to facilitate opening the door to one's heart with greater ease. She is a graduate of both Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindful Self-Compassion Programs, and has been trained by internationally renowned pioneers of self-compassion, Kristin Neff and Chris Germer.
With a passion for wellness, Sondra has devoted >¼ century clinical experience as a nutrition therapist and mindful eating professional. She practices heart centered meditations including gratitude, lovingkindness, and self-compassion daily and honors these as essential nutrients for the soul. Sondra’s intentional focus is to offer lifecare nourishment with love to guide. Nurturing one’s organic true nature within is her life’s practice, and she values the global communities & interconnectedness created through MSC course offerings.
Jonathan Walker, MD

Jon Walker, creator of Modestly Mindful, is a retired physician, and his full background is on the About Me page. He has done teacher training through UCLA, UC San Diego and UC Berkeley, and is a certified teacher in MSC through the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. He is certified through the International Mindfulness Teacher’s Association and the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program. But his main qualification is that he spent a large chunk of his life being neither especially mindful nor self-compassionate, so he is highly motivated to help you avoid a similar fate!
Jon & Sondra met on the path of their MSC teacher training adventures and are inspired to partner with you to help cultivate your own personal relationship with your inner teacher.